Eco Bricks are simply pre-fabricated walls to be assembled onsite. These quality bricks reduce wall build time from many months to weeks. Save costs from using less material as less construction is needed.
Manpower costs can also be reduced by up to 50% by as unskilled labour can be used instead of expensive bricklayers.
Eco Bricks are high quality, cost-effective ‘indestructible’ bricks used in construction for all structures, covering residential, commercial and military to educational and government facilities.
Manufactured using environmentally-friendly techniques that produce ready-to-use products, Eco Bricks uses a “dry construction method” that has a benefit of very quickly completing wall construction – time savings are up to 66% as compared with using bricks or alternatives.
Eco Bricks was established in 2008 and is the oldest dry stacking block manufacturer in Pakistan.